Hello, My name us Hussein Hassan. I am from Corvallis, Oregon and I am a nursing major. I took this course because I have always been interested in photography and I thought this would be a fun and useful class from me to take
My 3 goals for this class would be, getting at least 3 photos posted to the commuter, get some practice working with a high resolution camera, and being able to go to different sporting events and getting some good action shots
I think some good subjects would be shooting the LBCC basketball team, students in the learning center, and students in the cafeteria or hot shot cafe. I know the Linn Benton basketball season is just getting under way so I could go visit the teams practice and get a first look at the team. In the learning center I could shoot students getting help in different areas whether its math tutoring, or help in the writing center. For my last idea I could check out students eating and socializing in the cafeteria, as well as at the hot shot cafe. Since this cafe is opening up next week I think it would be a great chance to capture the opening moments as students get a first look at their brand new cafe.