- The item that stands out the most for me is,"Treat all subjects with respect and dignity. Give special consideration to vulnerable subjects and compassion to victims of crime or tragedy. Intrude on private moments of grief only when the public has an overriding and justifiable need to see."This stood out to me because it teaches that while getting good shots and sharing images with the world is important, it should always be in our best interest to think about the person first and give them utmost respect.
- The item under what under what journalists should do that stood out to be the most was,Strive to be unobtrusive and humble in dealing with subjects. I liked this one because it shows that as a journalist you should try to keep low key respectful and humble with your subjects which always goes a long ways, even outside of journalism
- A way I could apply these things I learned from the code of ethics would be if I maybe caught a subject in a bad moment, ethically I should not expose them especially if there is no great benefit coming from it.
So far in the term these 2 photos are my favorite

I really like the volleyball photo shot by Julia. This is a great photo because it shows all the players on the team and it was captured in an especially compelling moment after the team scored a point. All the girls are coming together for a high five with a clear happy expression on their face.
The second photo shot by Casey is also really good. I enjoy how it was captured while the student is in mid thought during his chess game. This fits the mood very well because chess is a game of thinking and requires a great deal of concentration which we see. I also think Casey did a really good job with the angle of this photo. You can clearly see she was low under the subject in order to get this shot to look this way
So far in the term these 2 photos are my favorite

I really like the volleyball photo shot by Julia. This is a great photo because it shows all the players on the team and it was captured in an especially compelling moment after the team scored a point. All the girls are coming together for a high five with a clear happy expression on their face.
The second photo shot by Casey is also really good. I enjoy how it was captured while the student is in mid thought during his chess game. This fits the mood very well because chess is a game of thinking and requires a great deal of concentration which we see. I also think Casey did a really good job with the angle of this photo. You can clearly see she was low under the subject in order to get this shot to look this way
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